Publishers Weekly reviews The Underers

As you may well know, my latest books for children are written under my pen name, Justin Christopher – and here is a lovely review from Publishers Weekly. After moving seven times in seven years due to her cop father …

Save the date! April 15, 2021!

April 15-21 is World Creativity and Innovation Week. I’ll be interviewed by @bridgetphetasy about my creative process. We’ll talk about taking risks and daring to fail greatly. We’ll also talk about how I got into writing and how creativity helped …

For the next five days, the ebook version of my travel book In Search Of Swingers is absolutely free. Here’s what it’s all about: Bestselling author Justin Brown (‘UK on a G-String’ and ‘Bowling Through India’) has the idea to …

Skid Row On Stage

Here is the Newsroom article of our bizarre, brilliant and beautiful time in Los Angeles. A transcript is provided below if you’re all clicked out. Skid Row is full of drugs and violence but author Justin Brown also found creativity …

Finding Hope on Skid Row

Tonight I head to Los Angeles! Disneyland? No. Santa Monica? Ah…no. Skid Row? Yip. Over the next twelve days, Professor Peter O’Connor from The Creative Thinking Project will work closely with downtown LA organisations working to aid and abet homelessness—among …

My Dog Taught Me How To Draw

My dog is a pain in the arse, but I love him. I love him because he’s instantly become a part of our family. Growing up, we always had a dog in our house, (RIP Holly, Amber and Charlie), but I’ve …

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